Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Nut Rush!

Take Your Time with Nut Rush

Nut Rush is another quaint silvergames.com browser-based mobile game. You leap right into the action as a cartoon squirrel, after picking between French, Spanish and English, and find yourself immediately interacting and playing the game. You simply click your left mouse button quickly for short jumps and hold it for longer jumps. This is a sidescrolling platformer, and the point of the game is to collect nuts and not fall from the leafy platforms to your doom. There are boosting tree trunks and some tricky geometry to get around, but all-in-all the heart of this game is jump, nut, jump. It really is elegant in its simplicity.

The nitpicks I would have with this game are the early 2000’s era graphics. Even for a humble browser clicker, the grainy and muddled quality of the graphics are a little off putting. The synth music is cute and fits the game, but it suffers the same problem as the graphics for just being a bit too dated and rough. Although these points are very minor it still bears mentioning that some may find the low quality sound and graphics a bit grating.

I commend this simple game for smartphones and PCs for having accurate jumping physics. Your avatar doesn’t feel like it is floating and the character you see on the screen interacts accurately with the world around it. No invisible walls or strange physics glitches. This ensures that when you jump, you know that the game logic is sound and there is no arcane guesswork about how to hit the next platform. In a game where the only basic mechanic is jumping and landing, the accuracy herein is greatly appreciated.

Nut Rush is a solid, if dated-looking, addition to browser-based platformers. You can immediately jump in and play without a lengthy tutorial, and your little squirrel friend’s accurate jumping mechanics ensure an enjoyable and relaxing experience.

Play Nut Rush on your mobile phone!

(via Guru of FlashGames)

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